Cocos Studio

Learn how to use the GUI tool Cocos Studio.

Recommended that you have a good foundation in Cocos2d-x and C++ or Cocos2d-JS and JavaScript before taking this course.

Average Course Length

10 hours

Skill Level


Pick a lesson

1: What Is Cocos Studio?
2: Creating A Project & An Overview Of The Interface
3: Importing Assets
4: Basic Node Properties
5: Design Resolution
6: Scenes
7: Layers

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8: Sprite
9: Particle
10: TileMap
11: Button
12: CheckBox
13: Image
14: BitmapLabel
15: ProgressBar
16: Slider
17: Label
18: TextField
19: Armature
20: Panel
21: ScrollView
22: Listview
23: PageView
24: Nodes
25: SpriteSheet
26: Animation Editor
27: 3D Scenes
28: Model
29: Convert .fbx to .c3b
30: Camera
31: 3D Particle