Creating Flappy Bird Cocos2d-x Course

Learn how to create Flappy Bird using Cocos2d-x. This course will teach you not only how to create Flappy Bird but provide you with a good foundation for creating future games using features such as physics and saving data.

Recommended that you have a good foundation in C++ before taking this course. A basic knowledge of Cocos2d-x will help but isn't essential.

Average Course Length

3 hours

Skill Level


Pick a lesson

1: Overview
2: Creating The Scene
3: Implementing The Splash Scene
4: Implementing The Main Menu Scene
5: Game Scene Background
6: Pipe Class Creation
7: Spawning Pipes
8: Moving The Pipes
9: Flappy Bird Class Creation
10: Collision Detection
11: Fly Faby Fly
12: Scoring Points
13: Implementing The Game Over Scene
14: Display The Score
15: Display Game Over Score
16: Saving The Score
17: Adding Audio
18: Extra Tasks