Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. Created by CodingMadeEasy.

Recommended that you have a good foundation in C++ before taking this course.

Average Course Length

4 hours

Skill Level


Pick a lesson

1: Setup
2: Creating a Window
3: Bitmaps
4: Close Button [Events]
5: Keyboard [Event]
6: Mouse [Events]
7: Joysticks[1 - Events]
8: Joysticks[2 - Events]
9: Game Controller Api [Events]
10: Text Input[Events]
11: Optimized Surfaces
12: Textures
13: Different Image Formats
14: Sprite Animation
15: Timers [FPS]
16: Keyboard State
17: TTF and Text
18: Color Keying and Modulation
19: Mixer [Sound & Music]
20: SDL w/ Classes
21: Bounding Box Collision
22: Distance/Circular Based Collision
23: Multithreading
24: Screen Scrolling