Developmental Maths Part 3

Learn advanced maths using examples from the Monterey Institute. Created by Khan Academy.

Recommended that you have a good foundation in Developmental Maths Part 2 before taking this course.

Average Course Length

12 hours

Skill Level


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1: Graphings Systems of Equations
2: Testing a solution for a system of equations
3: Consistent and Inconsistent Systems
4: Independent and Dependent Systems
5: Graphical Systems Application Problem
6: u14 l1 t1 we INT Consistent System of Independent Equations t2
7: Graphical System of Inequalities
8: Testing Solutions for a System of Inequalities
9: System of Inequalities Application
10: Substitution Method
11: Substitution Method 2
12: Substitution Method 3
13: Addition Elimination Method 1
14: Addition Elimination Method 2
15: Addition Elimination Method 3
16: Addition Elimination Method 4
17: Systems of Three Variables
18: Systems of Three Variables 2
19: Three Equation Application Problem
20: Solutions to Three Variable System
21: Domain of a Rational Expression 1
22: Simplifying Rational Expressions Example 2
23: Multiplying and Simplifying Rational Expressions
24: Dividing and Simplifying Rational Expressions
25: Algebraic Expression Least Common Multiple
26: Adding Rational Expressions
27: Subtracting Rational Expressions
28: Simplifying First for Subtracting Rational Expressions
29: Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
30: Complicated Rational Expressions
31: Rational Equations
32: Extraneous Solutions to Rational Equations
33: Rate Problem Involving Rational Equations
34: Another Take on the Rate Problem
35: Solving for a Variable
36: Direct Inverse and Joint Variation
37: Proportionality Constant for Direct Variation
38: Direct Variation Application
39: Inverse Variation Application
40: Joint Variation Application
41: Approximating Square Roots
42: Simplifying Square Roots
43: Simplifying Square Roots Comment Response
44: Finding Cube Roots
45: Simplifying Cube Roots
46: Radical Equivalent to Rational Exponents
47: Radical Equivalent to Rational Exponents 2
48: Rational Exponents and Exponent Laws
49: More Rational Exponents and Exponent Laws
50: Multiply and Simplify a Radical Expression 1
51: Multiply and Simplify a Radical Expression 2
52: Adding and Simplifying Radicals
53: Subtracting and Simplifying Radicals
54: Multiplying Binomials with Radicals
55: Rationalizing Denominators of Expressions
56: Rationalizing Denominators with Conjugates
57: Solving Radical Equations
58: Extraneous Solutions for Radical Equations
59: Radical Equation Application Problem
60: Complex Numbers
61: Imaginary Roots of Negative Numbers
62: Adding Complex Numbers
63: Subtracting Complex Numbers
64: Multiplying Complex Numbers
65: Complex Conjugates Example
66: Dividing Complex Numbers
67: Simple Quadratic Equation
68: Completing Perfect Square Trinomials
69: Completing the Square to Solve Quadratic Equations
70: Quadratic Equations in Standard Form
71: Applying the Quadratic Formula
72: Complex Roots from the Quadratic Formula
73: Discriminant for Types of Solutions for a Quadratic
74: Application Problem with Quadratic Formula
75: Domain and Range of a Relation
76: Relations and Functions
77: Graphical Relations and Functions
78: Evaluating Functions
79: Graphing a Basic Function
80: Graphing a Quadratic Function
81: Graphing Radical Functions
82: Domain and Range of a Function Given a Formula
83: Domain of a Radical Function
84: Sum of Functions
85: Difference of Functions
86: Product of Functions
87: Quotient of Functions
88: Graphing Exponential Functions
89: Exponential Application
90: Logarithmic Equations
91: Logarithmic Equations 2
92: Graphing Logarithmic Functions
93: Solving Logarithmic Equations
94: Sum of Logarithms with Same Base
95: Difference of Logarithms with Same Base
96: Logarithm of a Power
97: Using Multiple Logarithm Properties to Simplify
98: Natural Logarithm with a Calculator
99: Graphing Natural Logarithm Function
100: u18_l3_t1_we4 Calculator for Powers of e
101: Calculator for Powers of 10
102: Calculator for Natural Logarithms
103: Calculator for Logarithms
104: Solving Exponential Equations
105: Solving Logarithmic Equations
106: Applying Logarithms
107: Applying Logarithms 2