Laravel 4 Authentication

Build an authentication system with Laravel 4, featuring the ability to create an account with email activation, sign in, sign out, change password, view a user profile, and recover an account by email. Created by phpacademy.

Recommended that you have a basic foundation in PHP before taking this course.

Average Course Length

5 hours

Skill Level


Pick a lesson

1: Introduction (Part 1/16)
2: Install Laravel (Part 2/16)
3: Database (Part 3/16)
4: Creating the homepage (Part 4/16)
5: Templating (Part 5/16)
6: PDO and SMTP Email (Part 6/16)
7: Creating accounts (Part 7/16)
8: Creating accounts (Part 8/16)
9: Email activation (Part 9/16)
10: Signing in (Part 10/16)
11: Signing out (Part 11/16)
12: Remember me (Part 12/16)
13: Changing password (Part 13/16)
14: User profiles (Part 14/16)
15: Account recovery (Part 15/16)
16: Migrations (Part 16/16)