Polymer 1.0

The new, leaner core library makes it easier than ever to make fast, beautiful, and interoperable web components. Created by LevelUpTuts.

Recommended that you have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript before taking this course.

Average Course Length

2 hours

Skill Level


Pick a lesson

1: Introduction
2: Polymer Starter Kit & Installing Polymer With Bower
3: Installing Polymer Without Bower
4: Getting Started With Web Components in Polymer
5: Diving Into a Google Made Web Component in Polymer
6: Writing Our First Web Component with Polymer
7: Custom Properties On Elements with Polymer 1.0
8: Basic Data Binding in Polymer 1.0
9: Building A Contact List Component With Polymer 1.0
10: Iterating Over Data In Polymer 1.0
11: Nesting A Component in Polymer 1.0