Get & Assign A Boolean Variable

  • MoseHas
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    Hi there.

    Sorry I have to ask this stupid question.

    How could I access a boolean variable, which is in class A, at class B?

    This is a stupid easy question but bothers me so much. Hope you can answer for me.

    * #### This is file "A.h"
    Class A
    	bool abool;
    * #### This is file B.cpp
    #include "A.h"
    bool init()
    	bool B_bool=A::abool;
    	A::abool = false;
    	return true;

    Something like that.

    Thank you.

  • MoseHas
    Likes 0

    After hours struggling, I realized that I am actually a fool.

    I am going to change my question.


    How do I set a global variable(boolean) for multiple class to access?

    //global scope
    bool globalBool = false;
    class A
    	bool init(){boolA = globalBool;};
    	bool boolA;
    class B
    	bool init(){boolB = true; globalBool = boolB;};
    	bool boolB;

    Something like that.

  • MoseHas
    Likes 0

    I have used a pretty tricky way to do this.

    I use UserDefault to save this boolean so that I can access it wherever I want.

  • barabasandras1
    Likes 0

    Create a Globals.h where you define all your global/public variables you want to reach no matter where you are.

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  • MoseHas
    Likes 0

    Sounds like another good way. Thanks!

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