Creating many levels?

  • Freddiew
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    Problem Description

    Hello, my question is how can I create many levels without having to use a single script for each of the levels.

    This video I view that you use only one script called GameScene.h and other GameScene.cpp but in the game you have 50 different levels.

    I am very new to cocos2d-x so I do not really understand how it works.

  • Sonar Systems admin
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    We have several level files which are .plist files. The GameScene loads them in using a common format for positioning and properties.

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  • Freddiew
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    So are plist files which stores the position of objects for each level?

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  • Sonar Systems admin
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    We made them store an array which had number identifying what type of object. 

    Then our code traversed the array and when it found something at an array place it populated the corresponding grid space on the screen.

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