How to pause splash screen action for 3 seconds

  • SagnikXV
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    Hello. I need help with a specific problem.
    I am creating a splash screen where two letters appear on screen for 3 seconds and then move away by MoveBy().
    My problem is when I apply MoveBy(), the sprites start moving immediately. How do I make them stay still on screen for 3 seconds?

    Also, I used a ScaleBy just before a MoveBy, where it is scaled down to half its size. However, after it is scaled down, it scales up again when it implements MoveBy.
    Please help.

  • SagnikXV
    Likes 0

    Thank you for the prompt reply. Can you give an example line of code showing how to use DelayTime, as your documentation does not have it.

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    We will create a tutorial tomorrow for it.

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