Chipmunk or Box2D

  • Silvest
    Likes 0

    Problem Description

    So I just got into Cocos2D-x, and got a brainbreaker choosing one over the other:P 

    I know that alot of games us Box2D and it supports CCD, and Chipmunk from what I’ve heard has some decent performance.

    Now that we’re at it, any recommendations regarding ECS framework? I have my current project setup for use with EntityX.

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    For Cocos2d-x you should be all good.

  • Silvest
    Likes 0

    So in short, just stick with the default Chipmunk? :)

  • Sonar Systems admin
    Likes 0

    It is best unless you need advanced features. Chipmunk which is built in, is tried and tested. No point deviating from that certainty.

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